Case Study - textcontent

Qualified Lead Increase through Targeted Prospecting

Phase 1: Definition of the Ideal Customer Profile
1.1 Collaboration and Analysis
1.2 Target Market Segmentation

Phase 2: Finding the Right Prospects
2.1 Data Research
2.2 Lead Qualification

Phase 3: Campaign Setup and Dispatch
3.1 Creation of Cold Email Campaigns
3.2 A/B Testing
3.3 Sending and Tracking

Results and Successes
4.1 Revenue Increase
4.2 Surprising Effectiveness

Conclusion Collaboration
Reproducible Model

Phase 1: Definition of the Ideal Customer Profile

1.1 Collaboration and Analysis

In close collaboration with, conducted a thorough analysis. This included's product offering, its current position in the market, and the successes it has achieved in sales so far. The goal of this investigation was to create a detailed and precise profile of the ideal customer. The product offering was carefully examined to understand exactly what solutions and services offers. This also involved an evaluation of the uniqueness of these offers compared to competitors. The market positioning of was also analyzed. This was about determining the company's current status in the industry and identifying its strengths and weaknesses against competitors.'s previous sales successes were analyzed to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. This information helped define the ideal customer profile, based on factors such as industry and company size, ensuring targeted alignment of future marketing and sales activities.

1.2 Target Market Segmentation

Detailed segmentation of the target market was a crucial step in the strategy. This process helped focus on the most relevant industries and company sizes. Through this specific targeting, it was ensured that the developed cold emails were sent directly to the companies most likely to benefit from the services offered. The segmentation began with a thorough analysis of the market to identify the key sectors and companies of greatest interest to These included, for example, technology companies, startups, and established firms looking for innovative solutions to quantify their marketing content. Company size was also taken into account. It was found that both medium and large companies had a need for more effective marketing content. Therefore, the marketing was mainly directed at these two groups. This targeted segmentation enabled the creation of a tailored approach addressing the specific needs and challenges of this target group. This focused approach contributed to making the campaign more relevant and appealing to potential customers, ultimately leading to a higher response rate.

Phase 2: Finding the Right Prospects

2.1 Data Research

Simplifymeetings chose a methodical approach to identify the right companies and contacts. Specialized tools and techniques were employed for this process. They first conducted a thorough market analysis to develop an understanding of the industry and its dynamics. This helped them define the criteria for searching potential partners or customers. Once these criteria were defined, Simplifymeetings used advanced data analysis software to create a list of companies that met the set requirements. They were able to access not only relevant industry data but also information about company size, annual revenue, location, and more. In addition, they utilized networking tools and social media platforms to identify key individuals within these companies, looking for those with decision-making authority or influence based on their position within the company. Using LinkedIn and other professional networks, they were able to find contact information for these key individuals.

2.2 Lead Qualification

A thorough screening process was conducted to evaluate the prospects and ensure they were truly qualified. This process involved an in-depth analysis of potential customers, their business requirements and goals, and their interest in's services. Specific criteria were established to assess the suitability of the prospects and ensure that they not only had the potential to turn into real customers but also could demonstrate genuine interest in's offerings. This careful selection process helped efficiently use time and resources, focusing on those leads most likely to convert.

Phase 3: Campaign Setup and Dispatch

3.1 Creation of Cold-Email Campaigns

A tailor-made cold-email campaign was developed, reflecting the specific brand message and unique value proposition of This campaign was designed to grab the attention of our target audience and engage them with our offer. The crafting of these emails involved a profound understanding of's branding and core messages. Our team worked diligently to ensure that each email was not only informative and engaging but also mirrored the spirit and personality of the brand. The primary goal was to convey our message in a way that is both persuasive and authentic - a message that truly resonates and sparks interest among potential customers.

3.2 A/B Testing

To ensure that the email campaigns were as effective as possible, different versions of the emails were created and tested. This A/B testing is a critical part of the process. A group of recipients is split into two, with one half receiving version A of the email and the other half receiving version B. These two versions differ in specific aspects, such as the subject, text content, or design, to determine which performs better. The response rate to these emails was then closely analyzed, allowing us to identify which email version yielded the best response rate and was, therefore, the most effective. The insights gained helped us further optimize our email strategy and make future campaigns even more successful.

3.3 Dispatch and Tracking

The campaigns were successfully dispatched to the intended recipients. Post-dispatch, the process of careful monitoring and analysis of incoming responses began. Each response was thoroughly examined to extract essential information and gain a clearer picture of reactions to our messages. This enabled us to effectively plan and time follow-ups, ensuring that we kept the conversation going and didn't lose potential customers. It also provided an opportunity to deepen our understanding of our target audience's needs and expectations, further aiding in aligning future campaigns to be more targeted and successful.

Results and Successes

4.1 Revenue Increase

Through the strategic partnership with, has made a significant leap forward. They were not only able to significantly increase the number of B2B video call appointments, a vital part of their business strategy, but also record a marked increase in revenue. This remarkable revenue growth is a direct result of the successful collaboration with

4.2 Surprising Effectiveness

The team at was not only surprised but also thrilled by the effectiveness of the implemented strategy. This surprise arose mainly from the fact that the applied approach and intelligent methods introduced in this partnership with were entirely new to them. They were innovative approaches and techniques that they had not previously utilized in their business practice. The successes they achieved through this exceeded their expectations and opened up new possibilities. They quickly realized that these new methods were an efficient way to achieve their goals and expand their business. The entire team was impressed by the results that could be achieved through these fresh and smart sales and marketing strategies.


The collaboration between and Simplifymeetings demonstrated how a well-planned and executed strategy can transform the sales process and deliver measurable results. Simplifymeetings' professional approach and's willingness to explore new paths in sales led to a successful project that went beyond expectations.

This case study is proof that through the right partnering, the use of data, and creative approaches, sales is not only possible but can also achieve exceptional results. It's a model that is replicable for other companies looking for ways to optimize their sales process and increase revenue.