Mehr B2B Sales durch Demo Termine.
Wir liefern Dir qualifizierte Sales Meetings.

Mit unserer Erfahrung aus tausenden B2B-Kampagnen kontaktieren wir deine Wunschkunden mit personalisierten E-Mails. Du bekommst auf Knopfdruck gute Kontakte, die Interesse an deinem Service oder Produkt haben.

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Identifizieren der Wachstumschancen

Wir helfen dabei, deine Zielgruppen-Personas zu definieren und Daten zu finden. Dann erstellen wir maßgeschneiderte Nachrichten für erfolgreiche Kalt-E-Mails. Gleichzeitig richten wir unser KI basiertes Tool für Dich ein.

Testen & Iterieren was für dein Unternehmen funktioniert

Wir starten 'Mikro'-Leadgenerierungskampagnen, bewerten die Ergebnisse und bestimmen die effektivste E-Mail-Kommunikation für optimale Ergebnisse.

Skalieren & Automatisieren des Verkaufsprozesses

Wir optimieren stetig den Funnel mittels Datenanalysen, skalieren erfolgreiche Kampagnen und zielen darauf ab, genau deine Käuferzielgruppe zu erreichen.


Wir steigern den Umsatz unserer Kunden indem wir potenzielle Kunden im Demo Call liefern

Mit unseren Daten aus Tausenden von B2B-Meetings sprechen wir genau die Leute an, die entscheiden. Direkt in deinen Sales Funnel, ohne Umwege. Wir machen’s möglich!


Listen erstellen

Wir erstellen gezielte und qualifizierte E-Mail-Listen mit Deinen idealen Kunden


Emails Schreiben

Wir schreiben klare und personalisierte E-Mails, die wirklich Antworten bringen


Kontaktieren & Termine

Wir senden jeden Monat maßgeschneiderte E-Mails an Tausende deiner idealen Kunden



Wir benachrichtigen Dich, wenn Du einen Meeting-Ready-Lead erhältst, den Du abschließen kannst.


10x so viele Meetings durch Kaltakquise per E-Mail, DSGVO Konform & Seriös

Die Expertise eines Kaltakquise-Email-Spezialisten zu einem fairen Preis. Wir entwickeln und implementieren für dich ein System, das selbst schwer erreichbare Interessenten in Verkäufe verwandelt.

Erstellen von E-Mail-Listen

Hyper personalisiert

E-Mail A/B-Tests

Validierte E-Mails

Hyper-personalisierte Kaltakquise per E-Mail, die zu Terminen mit Ihren Traumkunden führt

Verwandle kalte E-Mail-Kontakte in eine Vertriebsmaschine, die Leads generiert. Unsere einfach zu nutzenden Features in Kombination mit unseren Dienstleistungen ermöglichen es dir, Geschäfte schneller zu generieren und abzuschließen.


Erfolgreiche Kampagnen


vereinbarte Meetings


Erfolgreiche Kampagnen

Erfolgreiche Kampagnen


Vereinbarte Meetings

Erfolgreiche Kampagnen


Stimmen unserer Kunden

Wir lassen unsere Ergebnisse sprechen. Hier einige begeisterte Rückmeldungen von unseren zufriedenen Kunden.

Als Gründer von suchte ich nach einer effizienten Lösung, um unser Verkaufsteam zu unterstützen und unser Geschäft zu erweitern. Vom ersten Gespräch an war ich beeindruckt von der Professionalität und Expertise des Teams. Die Unterstützung war erstklassig und die Ergebnisse übertrafen unsere Erwartungen. Dank Simplifymeetings konnten wir uns auf unser Kerngeschäft konzentrieren und gleichzeitig das Kundenwachstum steigern.

Moritz t. H.


Simplifymeetings hat 'skills4work' effektiv unterstützt, indem sie geeignete Unternehmen für unsere Schulungsdienste identifiziert haben. Durch ihre präzise Zielsetzung und professionelle Betreuung konnten wir zahlreiche qualifizierte Termine vereinbaren. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen hochzufrieden und empfehle ihre Dienste ohne Vorbehalte.

Patrik L.

Sales Manager, Skills4Work

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"The professionalism, dedication, and forward-thinking approach of this team are beyond compare. Their constant vigilance on staying ahead of marketing trends, coupled with a bespoke service, have been crucial in our company's success and expansion in an increasingly competitive market."

Emily Davis

Manager, Bright Solutions

"The quality, creativity, and precision of their content creation services are truly unparalleled. Their work has not only reinforced our brand identity but has also significantly contributed to our market positioning and overall business growth."

Michael Williams

Founder, Williams & Co

"The team's performance surpassed our highest expectations. They delivered a comprehensive, well-structured marketing plan that led to a noticeable increase in customer engagement, remarkably boosting our sales and overall business performance."

David Miller

CEO, Miller Software Solutions

Als Gründer von suchte ich nach einer effizienten Lösung, um unser Verkaufsteam zu unterstützen und unser Geschäft zu erweitern. Vom ersten Gespräch an war ich beeindruckt von der Professionalität und Expertise des Teams. Die Unterstützung war erstklassig und die Ergebnisse übertrafen unsere Erwartungen. Dank Simplifymeetings konnten wir uns auf unser Kerngeschäft konzentrieren und gleichzeitig das Kundenwachstum steigern.

Moritz t. H.


Simplifymeetings hat 'skills4work' effektiv unterstützt, indem sie geeignete Unternehmen für unsere Schulungsdienste identifiziert haben. Durch ihre präzise Zielsetzung und professionelle Betreuung konnten wir zahlreiche qualifizierte Termine vereinbaren. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen hochzufrieden und empfehle ihre Dienste ohne Vorbehalte.

Patrik L.

Sales Manager, Skills4Work

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"The professionalism, dedication, and forward-thinking approach of this team are beyond compare. Their constant vigilance on staying ahead of marketing trends, coupled with a bespoke service, have been crucial in our company's success and expansion in an increasingly competitive market."

Emily Davis

Manager, Bright Solutions

"The team's performance surpassed our highest expectations. They delivered a comprehensive, well-structured marketing plan that led to a noticeable increase in customer engagement, remarkably boosting our sales and overall business performance."

David Miller

CEO, Miller Software Solutions

Eines der zentralen Elemente unseres Erfolges ist eine starke und qualitativ hochwertige Lead-Generierung. Genau hier kommt Simplifymeetings ins Spiel.
Als wir auf der Suche nach einer Softwarelösung waren, die uns dabei helfen kann, unsere Lead-Generierung über E-Mail-Outbound-Kampagnen zu automatisieren und zu optimieren, sind wir auf Simplifymeetings gestoßen. Und was soll ich sagen? Wir wurden nicht enttäuscht! - Simplify Meetings liefert Monat um Monat ab!

Moritz ter Haar


Simplifymeetings hat 'skills4work' effektiv unterstützt, indem sie geeignete Unternehmen für unsere Schulungsdienste identifiziert haben. Durch ihre präzise Zielsetzung und professionelle Betreuung konnten wir zahlreiche qualifizierte Termine vereinbaren. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen hochzufrieden und empfehle ihre Dienste ohne Vorbehalte.

Patrik L.

Sales Manager, Skills4Work

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech


Bezahlung pro "Meeting-Ready" Lead

Monat für Monat, ohne Vertragsbindung. Buche einen Videocall, um mehr zu erfahren.

Hervorragend für Selbstständige/ Start-ups mit nur einem Vertriebsmitarbeiter.
Jederzeit kündbar.
or 19.500€ jährlich
10 Neukunden Meetings
E-Mail & Domain-Einrichtung
Einfaches Kunden-Dashboard
Qualifizierte Lead-Listen
Domain warm-up
2-wöchentliches Reporting
Am beliebtesten
Für wachsende Unternehmen geeignet. Jederzeit kündbar.
or 32.900€ jährlich
20 Neukunden Meetings
E-Mail & Domain-Einrichtung
Einfaches Kunden-Dashboard
Qualifizierte Lead-Listen
Domain warm-up
Wöchentliches Reporting
Anleitungen und Tutorials
Scale +
Maßgeschneidert für größere Organisationen. Jederzeit kündbar.
or 56.000€ jährlich
+40 Neukunden Meetings
E-Mail & Domain-Einrichtung
Einfaches Kunden-Dashboard
Qualifizierte Lead-Listen
Domain warm-up
Wöchentliches Reporting
Anleitungen und Tutorials
Strategie Calls
1-zu-1 support
Ideale Entscheidungsträger identifizieren
Dedizierter Kundenbetreuer
July 18, 2023
Explore how data-driven marketing can boost business growth through personalization, informed decision-making, and advanced technology.
July 18, 2023
Learn to harness social media for business success with strategic planning, engaging content, and insightful analytics. Unlock growth potential now.
July 18, 2023
Discover how data-driven marketing strategies can elevate your business's return on investment.
July 18, 2023
Learn how personalized marketing can strengthen customer loyalty and drive long-term business success.
July 18, 2023
Master social media algorithms to increase your organic reach and engagement on popular platforms.
July 18, 2023
Uncover effective SEO techniques to boost your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.
July 18, 2023
Explore the impact of visual storytelling in capturing audience attention and conveying brand narratives.
July 18, 2023
Discover proven email marketing strategies to optimize customer engagement and conversion rates.

Our journey in the marketing industry

Our experience and evolution in the marketing industry have equipped us with the expertise to navigate and conquer the complex digital landscape.

From our humble beginnings to becoming a leading marketing agency, our journey has been fueled by a passion for achieving results for our clients.

20011 - Founding of company

In the bustling hub of San Francisco, our company was born out of a strong desire to reshape the marketing industry. We started as a small team, driven by passion, ambition, and a shared belief in the power of effective marketing.

20014 - First major client win

A major breakthrough came in the form of our first big client. This was a turning point that propelled us into a new growth phase, enhancing our reputation in the highly competitive marketing sector.

20018 - Expanded our service offerings

Our consistent success allowed us to start broadening our service offerings. As digital platforms grew more influential, we adapted by incorporating comprehensive digital marketing solutions into our portfolio.

2020 - Celebrated 500 successful campaigns

We celebrated the completion of our 500th successful campaign. This significant milestone was a testament to our commitment to excellence and the consistent results we delivered for our clients.

2023 - Today and beyond

Today, we continue our journey with the same passion and dedication that ignited our start. We remain committed to delivering innovative, effective marketing strategies that create value and drive growth for businesses worldwide.


Empowering businesses with our expertise




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Increased B2B sales with demo meetings.
We deliver qualified sales appointments.

With our experience from thousands of B2B campaigns, we contact your desired customers with personalized emails. You get good contacts at the touch of a button who are interested in your service or product.

Meta LogoMeta Logo
Identifying growth opportunities

We assist you in defining and understanding your target audience personas and then create tailored messages for successful cold emails. At the same time, we set up our AI-based tool for you

Test and iterate what works for your business

We launch 'micro' lead generation campaigns, evaluate the results, and determine the most effective email communication and supplementary marketing channels, thereby increasing conversion rates by up to eightfold.

Scale & automate the sales process

We continuously optimize the funnel using data analysis, scale successful campaigns, and aim to precisely target your buyer audience to enable the scaling of your business.


We increase our clients' revenue by delivering potential customers in demo calls.

With our data from thousands of B2B meetings, we target exactly the decision-makers. Directly into your sales funnel, without any detours. We make it possible!


Create Prospect lists

We create targeted and qualified email lists with your ideal customers.


Write & Send Emails

We write clear and personalized emails that truly bring responses.


Contact & Schedule

We send customized emails to thousands of your ideal customers every month.



We notify you when you receive a meeting-ready lead that you can then close.


10x more meetings through cold outreach via email, GDPR compliant & reputable.

The expertise of a cold outreach email specialist at a fair price. We develop and implement a system for you that turns even hard-to-reach prospects into sales.

Creating email lists


Email A/B testing

Validated emails

Hyper-personalized cold outreach via email that leads to meetings with your dream customers

Turn cold email contacts into a sales machine that generates leads. Our easy-to-use features, combined with our services, enable you to generate and close deals faster.


successful campaigns


scheduled meetings


Successful Campaigns

Erfolgreiche Kampagnen


Scheduled Meetings

Erfolgreiche Kampagnen


Hear it from our clients

We let our work speak for itself. Here are some of the testimonials from our clients.

"As the founder of, I was looking for an efficient solution to support our sales team and grow our business. From the first conversation, I was impressed with the professionalism and expertise of the team. The support was top-notch, and the results exceeded our expectations. Thanks to Simplifymeetings, we were able to focus on our core business while simultaneously increasing customer growth."

Moritz t. H.


"Simplifymeetings effectively supported 'skills4work' by identifying suitable companies for our training services. Through their precise targeting and professional care, we were able to schedule numerous qualified appointments. I am highly satisfied with the results and recommend their services without reservation."

Patrik Lörsch

Sales Manager, Skills4Work

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"The professionalism, dedication, and forward-thinking approach of this team are beyond compare. Their constant vigilance on staying ahead of marketing trends, coupled with a bespoke service, have been crucial in our company's success and expansion in an increasingly competitive market."

Emily Davis

Manager, Bright Solutions

"The quality, creativity, and precision of their content creation services are truly unparalleled. Their work has not only reinforced our brand identity but has also significantly contributed to our market positioning and overall business growth."

Michael Williams

Founder, Williams & Co

"The team's performance surpassed our highest expectations. They delivered a comprehensive, well-structured marketing plan that led to a noticeable increase in customer engagement, remarkably boosting our sales and overall business performance."

David Miller

CEO, Miller Software Solutions

One of the key elements of our success is a strong and high-quality lead generation. This is exactly where Simplifymeetings comes into play. When we were in search of a software solution that could help us automate and optimize our lead generation through email outbound campaigns, we stumbled upon Simplifymeetings. And we were not disappointed! Simplifymeetings delivers month after month!

Moritz ter Haar


"Simplifymeetings effectively supported 'skills4work' by identifying suitable companies for our training services. Through their precise targeting and professional care, we were able to schedule numerous qualified appointments. I am highly satisfied with the results and recommend their services without reservation."

Patrik L.

Sales Manager, Skills4Work

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech

"Their profound expertise in digital marketing, backed by an unwavering commitment to our company's success, has been instrumental in optimizing our online presence. Their strategic approach and execution have yielded a tangible increase in website traffic, significantly boosting our online sales."

Richard Lee

Owner, Elite Tech


Pay Per Meeting-Ready-Lead

Month-to-month, no contracts. Book a call to learn more.

Excellent for freelancers/start-ups with only one sales representative. Cancel at any time.
10 meeting booked
Email inbox & domain setup
Easy-to-use client dashboard
Campaign Strategy
Qualified lead list built
Domain warm-up
Weekly Reporting
Am beliebtesten
Suitable for growing businesses. Cancel at any time.
20 meetings booked
Email inbox & domain setup
Easy-to-use client dashboard
Campaign Strategy
Qualified lead list built
Domain warm-up
Weekly Reporting
Advanced guides and tutorials
Ongoing strategy calls
Scale +
Tailored for larger organizations. Cancel at any time.
or $56.000 yearly
+40 meetings booked
Email inbox & domain setup
Easy-to-use client dashboard
Campaign Strategy
Qualified lead list built
Domain warm-up
Weekly Reporting
Advanced guides and tutorials
Ongoing strategy calls
1-on-1 onboarding & support
Ideal decision makers identified
Dedicated account manager
July 18, 2023
Explore how data-driven marketing can boost business growth through personalization, informed decision-making, and advanced technology.
July 18, 2023
Learn to harness social media for business success with strategic planning, engaging content, and insightful analytics. Unlock growth potential now.
July 18, 2023
Discover how data-driven marketing strategies can elevate your business's return on investment.
July 18, 2023
Learn how personalized marketing can strengthen customer loyalty and drive long-term business success.
July 18, 2023
Explore the impact of visual storytelling in capturing audience attention and conveying brand narratives.
July 18, 2023
Discover proven email marketing strategies to optimize customer engagement and conversion rates.
July 18, 2023
Uncover effective SEO techniques to boost your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.
July 18, 2023
Master social media algorithms to increase your organic reach and engagement on popular platforms.

Our journey in the marketing industry

Our experience and evolution in the marketing industry have equipped us with the expertise to navigate and conquer the complex digital landscape.

From our humble beginnings to becoming a leading marketing agency, our journey has been fueled by a passion for achieving results for our clients.

20011 - Founding of company

In the bustling hub of San Francisco, our company was born out of a strong desire to reshape the marketing industry. We started as a small team, driven by passion, ambition, and a shared belief in the power of effective marketing.

20014 - First major client win

A major breakthrough came in the form of our first big client. This was a turning point that propelled us into a new growth phase, enhancing our reputation in the highly competitive marketing sector.

20018 - Expanded our service offerings

Our consistent success allowed us to start broadening our service offerings. As digital platforms grew more influential, we adapted by incorporating comprehensive digital marketing solutions into our portfolio.

2020 - Celebrated 500 successful campaigns

We celebrated the completion of our 500th successful campaign. This significant milestone was a testament to our commitment to excellence and the consistent results we delivered for our clients.

2023 - Today and beyond

Today, we continue our journey with the same passion and dedication that ignited our start. We remain committed to delivering innovative, effective marketing strategies that create value and drive growth for businesses worldwide.


Empowering businesses with our expertise


What the FAQ


Get in touch

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly!

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